Monday, April 8, 2013

Wow! Wind!, 4-7-2013

What a wind and rain storm.  Over the whole country.  There were pictures of people being blown down!
Of course all the cherry blossoms are gone, the rivers are full of them - along with lots of trash...
So, a boring weekend.  Inside most of Sunday during the second round of wind - doors and window were shaking, dust blowing in through the cracks, etc.
Monday I had nothing to do, bought a pair of pants and sashimi for dinner, but mostly hung around the apartment watching stuff on the computer.
I'll have to do better next week.
For some reason - maybe because Jake had spring break but I didn't get to see him, or Mother's Day is coming up and I won't see either of them - but I've been really missing my boys.  I need to keep busy and hopefully that won't happen any more.  I'm thinking about bagging the June travel and instead just go home... we'll see.

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