Setsubun is celebrated the day before spring on the 'old' calender. It's a time for beckoning good luck. So you throw these special beans (roasted soybeans) out your door shouting 'Oni soto' (out with the demons) and you throw some into your house and shout 'Good luck in'. You are also supposed to eat as many beans as your age (and some say 1 extra for a lucky new year). And in the western part of Japan at least, you eat uncut makizushi while facing in a certain direction and not speaking. Last year I had the most delicious makizushi from my local fish shop, but unfortunately Setsubun fell on a Sunday this year and the shop was closed. Didn't really care for this sushi...
For more about the holiday in detail, check out this blog:
This past week's tea sweets and ikebana:
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