Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Shinlin Official Residence and a 1/2 Day Tour, Tawain Day 8, 6-9-2013

A very nice day. Breakfast offerings were western, Japanese and Taiwanese. 

Went to the official residence of Chiang Kai Chek which has many garden areas as well as a very western house. I assumed that all Asian societies were floor societies - as in sitting on the floor for most things, at least in the old days bur that's not the case.  And Madame Chek went to Weseley College loved English and they were devout Christians.  Surprises all the way around....

Their car.

Rose garden.

A stop at a famous temple...

Back to the hotel which although more centrally located in Taipei is much less convenient since its a 10 minute walk from the station 10 more if you count the walk in the station to the right exit..
A strange sandwich and a matcha latte for lunch, washed my face and off on the tour.  It was in a van.  There was a young man from Philly who gave me a good dinner tip and a couple from Saudi Arabia.  It was nice, not great, but nice and relaxing. 

The tour van.

Those bumps are iron deposits.

This is called yin yan bay because the colors are
different.  One part is muddy from the minerals in the runoff from
the mountains.

Old copper factory.

Tourist shopping arcade.

I finally gave in and had one of these famous ice treats with different dumplings (it's sweet).
I had stayed away because of the 'don't drink the water thing' but I'd been having a little
ice and was fine so... I gave it a try.  No problem.

Making the dumplings.

Went to the recommended famous dumpling place afterwards for an early dinner.

Then a walk through a very nice, very big park.  That's a huge difference between Taiwan and Japan. People here really seem to enjoy being outdoors they use the parks for sitting, playing, exercising.  Very few people in Japan sit outside.

It's in the 90's and very humid but they're playing

Back to the hotel, meeting a couple of nice young men on the way after asking them for directions to the metro stop.  They were going that way so we walked together.  Just got my wash out of the dryer so I'm good for a few more days.  Booked 1 night at an airport hotel in Osaka since I don't know the neighborhoods and couldn't figure out where to stay in the city. I will probably go to Okinawa the next day. Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to swim if the weather forecast is wrong. It was wrong for Taiwan.

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